When you’re testing your workflows, you’re often looking at the console log. I find it really useful to colourise the output so that errors and such are easily recognisable. We can do this quite easily by including a couple of additional jars into the interlok runtime and having a custom pattern.
Log4j2 colourisation automatically works on Unix style terminals (Linux / Mac for instance) so you don’t need to do anything special; however on Windows, you need to include the jansi
artefact which handles ANSI escape code in your console, so you basically need to include that as a dependency in your dependency management.
<dependency org="org.fusesource.jansi" name="jansi" rev="1.17.1" conf="runtime->default"/>
And then it’s just a case of using the highlight
pattern in your console appender.
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<Pattern>%highlight{%d [%t] %-5level: %msg%n%throwable}{FATAL=bright white, ERROR=bright red, WARN=yellow, INFO=magenta, DEBUG=green, TRACE=cyan}</Pattern>
<ThresholdFilter level="TRACE"/>
Note that if you are on Windows and using log4j2 > 2.9.1, then you need to explicitly enable jansi (use -Dlog4j.skipJansi=false) when starting up Interlok; alternatively have a log4j2.component.properties
file on the class path that contains the same setting e.g.
$ cat config/log4j2.component.properties