

Integration anytime any place anywhere.

Testing Interlok PRs

How to test an Interlok Pull Request

There’s been a recent change to use pull requests to manage code changes this amongst other things allows for reviews.

One thing that might not be obvious is how to test the PR.

What we’ll make use of is the interlok-install-builder and gradles ability to publish to the local maven repository.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Build and Publish Pull Request to local maven repository
  2. Build Interlok install

We’ll use a real world example: INTERLOK-2682.

Build and Publish Pull Request to local maven repository

The following commands are an example of checking out github project, switching to feature branch and publishing to local maven:

git clone
cd interlok-apache-http
git checkout feature/INTERLOK-2682
./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal

Now you should have the artefact present in your maven repository:

ls -lrt ~/.m2/repository/com/adaptris/
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 0 matthew matthew 4096 Mar 14 09:30 interlok-apache-http

It’s worth noting that if you have other SNAPSHOT artefacts present it would be advisable to remove them as these will be used over others stored on nexus, this should be done prior to publishToMavenLocal:

find ~/.m2/repository/com/adaptris/ -name "3.8-SNAPSHOT" -exec rm -rf {} \;

Build Interlok install

Now that we have a version of code deployed locally we can update our interlok-install-builder to create an Interlok install.

Within the build.gradle add mavenLocal() to your repositories, and make sure you have an entry for the built artefact in your dependencies:

repositories {
  maven { url "$defaultNexusRepo" }
  maven { url "$nexusBaseUrl/nexus/content/groups/public" }

dependencies {
  interlokRuntime group: "com.adaptris", name: "interlok-apache-http", version: interlokCoreVersion, changing: true

Now you can build and start your adapter (see interlok-install-builder for more details):

./gradlew cleanInstall install
cd ./build/install/interlok-install-builder
java -jar ./lib/interlok-boot.jar

Now you should have a version of Interlok running with PR changes in the mix.