

Integration anytime any place anywhere.

Interlok 3.8.4

Interlok 3.8.4 has been released and is now available for download.

Interlok 3.8.4 has reached GA. It is now available for download.

The key highlights are :

  • Config projects continued improvements: better UX for loading projects; improved variable usage when moving/coping components with existing variables; and various improvements around the importing existing config with multiple variable sets; and configurability of the x-includes root location.
  • The Component Search has been improved so search results now link to the optional component page and vice versa.
  • The DynamicServiceExecutor has been enhanced and can be used as a simplified DynamicServiceLocator (which has been deprecated).
  • OAuth components have been improved to support the generation of the OAuth Signature for OAUTH1.0 / RFC 5849 (Optional component: interlok-oauth-generic)
  • A new service-list implementation that auto maps against StaX implementations (Optional component: Interlok-stax)
  • New XML Exception Report service that includes workflow ID and Message

The formal change log can be found here. Or you can check the usual sway presentation


Config projects - load local project from filesystem: xpath validation for variables

xpath validation for variables

xpath validation for variables

Config projects - x-incs base folder config: xpath validation for variables

Component Search - examples: xpath validation for variables

xpath validation for variables