Once you’ve developed your solution and deployed it then you’ll want to monitor it in production. Since all the runtime capabilities of Interlok are JMX based; our UI only uses publicly accessible JMX (there is no special sauce); you can leverage your existing JMX tools to manage Interlok. Of course the Interlok UI is perfectly capable of monitoring multiple Interlok instances which means you can use it as a monitoring tool in the absence of anything else.
So, let’s say you want to do just that; you want to use the Interlok UI to manage multiple Interlok instances. There are a few best practises that we suggest you follow:
Secure the JMX interface
By default, the JMX management component uses the reference JMXMP protocol which is passwordless; but that doesn’t have to be the case. You can secure it using vanilla password protection, SSL, or any combination thereof; use firewalls to limit traffic to only known hosts on the JMX ports. You can of course use any JMX implementation including our JMX+JMS. If you opt for the JMS route, then you can leverage the JMS providers’s own security layer to secure the endpoints that the JMX implementation is attached to.
Have a dedicated monitoring UI instance
Have a single Interlok instance that contains no configuration and only contains the UI as a deployed artifact. You can use this as your launch pad for connecting to other runtime Interlok instances. People often want us to bind the UI into active directory or similar; our reponse is invariably that this is fixing the wrong problem. The UI doesn’t matter, after all there would be no difference between a UI you have deployed on your workstation, and one that’s been deployed with AD integration; what matters are the runtime Interlok instances, if they aren’t secured, then securing the UI won’t make it more secure. If you are only using it to monitor; then the monitoring instance won’t need any additional jars in its classpath; but if you’re using dependency management, it will be easy enough to inject the right optional components into the classpath.
This particular Interlok instance really should be blank; don’t be be encouraged to have more than
Disable the UI on all other instances
Interlok doesn’t need the UI at runtime. If you delete the war file within the installation; then the UI won’t be started. If this particular Interlok instance isn’t handling HTTP requests then disable the jetty component; even if you want jetty, delete the war file. This is the preferred deployment scenario; if you don’t need the UI, then having it there means you’ve increased the resource/memory footprint of Interlok for no reason.
Secure the UI instance
While the UI does not have particularly fine grained permissions, you have roles which can limit users to particular facets of the UI. monitor
users only have access to the dashbaord and cannot configure the UI. Change the default administrator password. We tend to do this as the final touch.