

Integration anytime any place anywhere.

build.gradle parent for Interlok

Import our build parent to simplify your build.gradle

We’ve standardised on gradle as our build tool of choice when developing solutions with Interlok. Since it’s possible to end up down a rabbit warren of scripting with gradle; maintaining the build script is one of key considerations, while also providing what we consider best practise when working with Interlok. As a result, we have an early preview release of our proposed parent gradle file that you can start using when developing Interlok based projects.


The primary drivers for the parent gradle were:

  • Keep the child simple; so that people who aren’t developers can use it (within reason).
  • Hosted publicly so that any changes can be pushed out
  • Incorporate service-tester as a first class project member.
  • Being able to customise your build output depending on the environment.
  • Platform neutral (windows/mac/linux should work the same).


The usage itself is hopefully self-explanatory, your build.gradle file simply has to contain

ext {
  interlokVersion = '3.9.2-RELEASE'
  interlokUiVersion = interlokVersion
  interlokParentGradle = ""

configurations {

dependencies {
    interlokRuntime ("com.adaptris:interlok-json:$interlokVersion") { changing=true }
    interlokRuntime ("com.adaptris:interlok-filesystem:$interlokVersion") { changing=true }
    interlokRuntime ("com.adaptris:interlok-csv-json:$interlokVersion") { changing=true }

allprojects {
    apply from: "${interlokParentGradle}"
  • interlokRuntime configuration is where we declare all the dependencies for running interlok (the minimum dependencies are declared in the parent)
  • interlokTestRuntime configuration is where we declare all the dependencies for running service-test; generally you won’t change this unless you want to have custom JSON assertions and the like.
  • interlokJavadocs configuration is where we declare all the javadocs that we want in the distribution.

Because we have custom closures that resolve dependencies; you need to apply from the parent after all your configurations / dependencies are declared otherwise you get an error around attempting to change configurations after they have been resolved.

It’s a preview…

It’s a preview so there are a few gotchas which we hope to be able to iron out (eventually); The build parent applies the distribution plugin since it doesn’t really need anothing else. If you want a full example (including service-tester/custom jars) then have a look at build-parent-json-csv.

Customising your output

  • interlokDistDirectory will control where the files are emitted; this is initially set to build/distribution

The parent gradle also assumes that you essentially have 2 property files that contain all the variables required for your project:

  • - which will generally contain all the shared properties that aren’t environment specific (path locations for instance)
  • variables-local-{buildEnv}.properties which contains specific environment entries (e.g. specific hostnames etc)

You can control the environment via a standard gradle project property: ./gradlew -PbuildEnv=dev build. What this effectively does is to select and copies it to inside your distribution config dir; if it exists. Since our build environment is dev in this instance, it also copies all the service-tester jars into the lib directory so it is ready to use within the UI.

Custom tasks

There are custom JavaExec tasks defined that allow us to execute service-tester, a version report, and configtest. They simply build up the classpath and execute the appropriate main class. Since Windows has a fixed limit on your commandline; it builds up the required classpath by using a temporary jar file that declares the classpath using the Classpath manifest entry.

Have a log4j2.xml inside your src/test/resources directory so you can see the output from the service-tester execution. If you want to mimic the standardised output from running ant+junit then you can use something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="warn" monitorInterval="60" shutdownHook="disable">

    <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">


    <Logger name="org" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="io" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="com" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="net" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="jndi" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="java.sql.DatabaseMetadata" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="org.eclipse.jetty" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="org.hibernate.cache" level="WARN"/>
    <Logger name="org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy" level="ERROR"/>
    <Logger name="org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider" level="ERROR"/>
    <Logger name="com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool" level="ERROR"/>
    <Logger name="com.sun.jersey" level="ERROR"/>
    <Logger name="com.adaptris" level="OFF"/>
    <Logger name="com.adaptris.adaptergui.util.ObjectConverter" level="OFF"/>
    <Logger name="com.adaptris.adaptergui.util.ClassUtils" level="OFF"/>
    <Logger name="com.adaptris.tester.runtime.Test" level="INFO" />
    <Root level="WARN">
      <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>

Service Tester may not execute

Service Tester may not execute if you have overriden interlokDistDirectory as a gradle property. This is because there are a couple of expectations around relative paths.

build/assemble will delete stuff

Since assemble is considered a sync task; this will delete all files inside your targetted distribution directory. If you want to preserve your settings, then you should include a custom src/main/interlok/ui-resources/ that specifies your database location (e.g. using PostgresSQL). All changes you make to build/distribution will be deleted the next time you execute assemble

What’s next

  • A example that also has custom java components..
  • Although it should support multi-module projects this hasn’t been tested extensively.
  • An actual gradle plugin?