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Interlok 3.11.1

Interlok 3.11.1 has been released and is now available for download.

Interlok 3.11.1 has reached GA. It is now available for download.

  • The UI Config Settings Editor inputs now have a ‘code autocomplete’ feature for % properties
  • Interlok Runtime improvements include:
    • The ALTPW password variant has now been marked as deprecated, and the support of it will be removed for Interlok 4.0
    • New PooledSplitJoinService which has been designed to improve performance on very very large split messages
    • Added (a prototype) One Drive consumer and producer that allows for getting and putting of individual files from/to One Drive.
    • configcheck has been improved to generate a deprecated report like the one used for config validation without parsing the console deprecated warnings
    • New REST based failed message retrier

The formal change log can be found here Or you can check the usual sway presentation