

Integration anytime any place anywhere.

Interlok 4.6.0

Interlok 4.6.0 has been released and is now available for download.

Interlok 4.6.0 has reached GA. It is now available for download.

  • Interlok improvements include:

    • interlok-elastic now has an initial implementation of the elastic search 7 SDK named interlok-elastic-sdk. This has been introduced as the elastic High Level Rest API is deprecated now in favour of the SDK API.
    • interlok-azure has had many improvements; including added support for the search parameter in the O365MailConsumer and improvements to working with attachments from the multi payload message.
    • The UI Component Search has been improved so it doesn’t require a connection to a hosted server to work, it has been refactored to use html, js and json instead of an elastic search server.

The formal change log can be found here