Since starting on our journey of maintaining a build-parent we’ve been constantly improving it, and now using a private fork of it in our internal build pipeline.
One rabbit hole I’ve recently travelled (which has since made it as an improvement) was trying to feed information from interlokVerify
into sonarqube.
The end result is this:
To use it in a project add the following config:
sonarqube {
properties {
property "sonar.projectKey", "<projectKey>"
property "sonar.organization", "<organization>"
property "", "<sonar_host>"
property "sonar.sourceEncoding", "UTF-8"
property "sonar.sources", "./src/main/interlok"
property "sonar.tests", "./src/test/interlok"
property "sonar.externalIssuesReportPaths", interlokVerifySonarReport
There are working examples using, found at interlok-hello-world and interlok-twilio-sms.
The Journey
There are three parts to this journey:
- Sonarqube and getting information into it
- Interlok Verify and getting information out of it
- Gluing the two together
Sonarqube is a code quality and security monitoring tool, it provides mechanisms of performing and reporting on static code analysis, as well as taking inputs from other analysis tools.
It support the ability to provide issues in its generic issue import format. This allowed us to create our own report and use it as input to sonar using the sonar.externalIssuesReportPaths
Interlok Verify
One simple yet powerful step that runs as a part of the check
tasks in the build parent, is interlokVerify
under the covers it runs the gradle equivalent of the following:
java -jar ./lib/interlok-boot.jar -configtest
Config test attempts to unmarshal the config based on
and executes the component init()
and prepare()
for the unmarshaled config.
An output taken from interlok-hello-world looks something like this:
Bootstrap of Interlok 3.10-SNAPSHOT(2020-05-17:04:02:24 UTC) complete
INFO [main] [}] Adapter created
WARN [main] [com.adaptris.core.util.LoggingHelper}] [PayloadFromMetadataService(set-payload)] is a payload-from-metadata-service; use payload-from-template or metadata-to-payload instead.
WARN [main] [com.adaptris.core.Adapter}] [Adapter(hello-world)] has a MessageErrorHandler with no behaviour; messages may be discarded upon exception
DEBUG [main] [com.adaptris.core.Adapter}] FailedMessageRetrier []
Config check only; terminating
A development team practise is adding logging warning during a components initialisation when its deprecated, or to configuration that may cause unexpected behavior, as seen above.
With a combination of redirecting the output from interlokVerify
def interlokVerify = tasks.register("interlokVerify", JavaExec) {
// ...
systemProperty "interlok.logging.url", verifyLog4j
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
doLast {
def verifyOutput = standardOutput.toString()
reportFile.withOutputStream { stream ->
and log4j2.xml
filtering, which is referred to using the interlok.logging.url
system property:
<Logger name="org" level="OFF"/>
<Logger name="io" level="OFF"/>
<Logger name="com" level="OFF"/>
<Logger name="net" level="OFF"/>
<Logger name="jndi" level="OFF"/>
<Logger name="java" level="OFF"/>
<Logger name="com.adaptris" level="WARN"/>
<Root level="OFF">
<AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
We end up with a report.txt
with the warnings that config test reported:
[PayloadFromMetadataService(set-payload)] is a payload-from-metadata-service; use payload-from-template or metadata-to-payload instead.
[Adapter(hello-world)] has a MessageErrorHandler with no behaviour; messages may be discarded upon exception
Gluing the two together
After extracting the information from interlokVerify
and knowing it was possible to import a “generic issue report”.
The next step was creating the report this was done by writing a java command line app: interlok-verify-report.
Which takes the report.txt
and outputs a the “generic issue format”:
"issues" : [ {
"engineId" : "interlokVerify",
"ruleId" : "rule1",
"severity" : "INFO",
"type" : "CODE_SMELL",
"primaryLocation" : {
"message" : "[PayloadFromMetadataService(set-payload)] is a payload-from-metadata-service; use payload-from-template or metadata-to-payload instead."
Executing is done as a part of the build parent:
def interlokVerifyReport = tasks.register("interlokVerifyReport", JavaExec) {
group = 'Test'
description = 'Create Interlok verify test reports'
main = 'com.adaptris.labs.verify.CreateVerifyReport'
classpath = configurations.interlokVerifyReport
args "--reportFile"
args interlokVerifyTextReport
args "--outputFile"
args interlokVerifySonarReport
The Future
At the moment all of the violations are set to INFO
this is partly due to the fact we’re relying on logging output to produce the report. What we’ve now realised is the potential for further improvements of --configtest
and making it more aware of annotations and outputting a report itself to move away from log manipulation. This would open up the potential for increasing the severity.