Shared service lists in service tester
How to use shared-components in service tester
Testing shared services is possible in service tester and how to select them is covered in a previous post. But there may be case when the service that is being tested, contains a call to a shared service. …
Portable Service Tester Configuration
Making service tester configuration environment agnostic.
Sometimes it isn’t obvious the changes that need to be made to service tester configuration so thats its portable across machines and build pipelines. …
Interlok + AWS KMS
Fun and games with AWS KMS interoperability
As of 3.10.1 (the next release due Q2 2020); there is support for AWS KMS within Interlok for their key operations, namely encryption; decryption; signing; and signature verification. The AWS SDK is very easy to use, so producing the code itself didn’t take long; it took longer to write the unit tests as usual. When writing a new optional component, we normally make the decision that we expose the configuration to the user, so the user can decide how they want to interact with the system. …
Interlok 3.10.0
Interlok 3.10.0 has been released and is now available for download.
Interlok 3.10.0 has reached GA. It is now available for download. …
Multi-Payload Messages
An introduction to multi-payload messages
The Multi-Payload Adaptris Message is a new message type that supports having multiple payloads in a single message. Each payload can be accessed by its user-defined ID. …
Interlok 3.9.3
Interlok 3.9.3 has been released and is now available for download.
Interlok 3.9.3 has reached GA. It is now available for download. …
When to write custom code revisited
Interlok is a bit like pick'n'mix; I prefer fizzy cola bottles, maybe you like flying saucers
We pride ourselves on not having too much of an opinion about whether or not you should write code, or use configuration to achieve your integration. If you have, by instinct, a developer mindset then you’ll naturally gravitate towards writing code because that’s what you’re most familiar with. This is something that we get quite a lot from new customers where their technical team are primarily developers. I can do this in language X; but I can’t in Interlok; why should we bother using it. That’s one way of looking at it; we prefer to look at it in terms of what does Interlok give us that means we can spend more time on providing business value. …
Abusing Interlok as a programming language
Interlok configuration probably isn't Turing complete; but we can write code in XML...
We’re busy migrating away from Bitbucket; not because there’s anything wrong with it; but because as an organisation that’s grown out of 6+ companies, you have to rationalise and standardise things like source control; we’re using GitHub, Bitbucket, multiple on-premise Gitlab instances, Azure TFS; you get the picture. Apparently we need a spreadsheet (it’s always a spreadsheet) of all the projects that are currently in Bitbucket and when they were last used. That’s right; it’s
time. …
build.gradle parent for Interlok
Import our build parent to simplify your build.gradle
We’ve standardised on gradle as our build tool of choice when developing solutions with Interlok. Since it’s possible to end up down a rabbit warren of scripting with gradle; maintaining the build script is one of key considerations, while also providing what we consider best practise when working with Interlok. As a result, we have an early preview release of our proposed parent gradle file that you can start using when developing Interlok based projects. …
Upcoming changes in 3.10
Early notice about things that might break your deployments in 3.10
3.9.2 was internally named Replacement Killers and the next release currently in development also has a similarly themed name; we had a thing for Chow Yun Fat films this year… This next release is intended to be the last release in the 3.9 series, and 3.10.0 may break some existing deployments. …