3.10.1 Now Available
3.10.1 has made it to GA!
3.10.1 Has Made it to GA; get it as a standalone installer or docker image.
Version 3.10.1
Release Date : 2020-05-11
Key Highlights
- Use failed messages in the UI Config testing features
- UI Config Projects new ‘Additional Files’ tab
- There is now a 2nd UI Service Tester Page available which is a proof of concept page experimenting with a new style, aiming to make it easier to configure service tester config
- The UI Dashboard Page has new features that make it easier to add clustered Adapter instances
- UI Optional Component has been improved to make it easier to switch between release and snapshot components
- Interlok Runtime improvements include:
- New methods to the Cache interface allowing a Per-item cache expiry where supported by the underlying cache provider
- New AWS Key management services to work with Amazon KMS; sign/verify documents via KMS API
- A new service get-and-cache-oauth-token that allows you to get an OAUTH Access Token and re-use it repeatedly
- Added support for RefreshToken in the OAUTH AccessToken
- Change of dependency from com.sun.mail:javax.mail to jakarta mail
- Solace JCSMP early development as an alternative to JMS
- Profiling to Prometheus now gives additional metrics; average speed of workflow processing and failed message counts.
- Added support for a SMB consumer/producer
- interlok-shell has been marked as Deprecated, since it isn’t supported in Java 11
- A new exciting experimental installer based on JavaFX that allows you to pre-select optional components that you want to bundle into your installation
- UI Configuring a triggered channel.INTERLOK-3032
- UI - Generics still not handled quite correctly for drop downs.INTERLOK-3222
- Information Disclosure out of “health-check” management component.INTERLOK-3227
- UI Projects - Using variables in adapter advanced components can break all other existing variable xpathsINTERLOK-3228
- UI Projects - The variable xpaths on adapter advanced components can be wrongINTERLOK-3229
- interlok-aws-s3: Download operation doesn’t clean up files in long running splitter.INTERLOK-3230
- ChannelRestartProduceExceptionHandler doesn’t fully restart channels.INTERLOK-3235
- UI - Apache Shiro Web VulnerabilityINTERLOK-3237
- UI - fix Vulnerability with commons-configuration2INTERLOK-3238
- UI - fix Vulnerability with snakeyamlINTERLOK-3245
- UI - XML External Entity (XXE) InjectionINTERLOK-3254
- interlok-shell “help” doesn’t work
- Test failed messages within the UIINTERLOK-1914
- Possible locking issue around restartsINTERLOK-2857
- UI - Clustering - Auto Add instancesINTERLOK-2981
- Should Interlok and Interlok UI be separate processesINTERLOK-3021
- UI Optional Component - improve the feature that switches the page between releases and snapshotsINTERLOK-3035
- Mongo DB Connection - Suppport connection retrial when the connection fail a few times.INTERLOK-3124
- JMX: Do we need to add a “what management components are enabled”INTERLOK-3127
- UI Service Tester - create a POC service tester page in the new ‘one-note’ styleINTERLOK-3154
- Add a validating CSV AggregatorINTERLOK-3158
- Per-item cache expiry where supported by the underlying cache providerINTERLOK-3160
- UI Service Test - When a project is loaded have possibility to generate service tests from loaded project configINTERLOK-3185
- Component Project TemplateINTERLOK-3191
- Document Profiler for developersINTERLOK-3192
- Docker image in labs for Prometheus/GraphanaINTERLOK-3193
- Profiler - Add support for additional metrics.INTERLOK-3194
- UI : Save project should create additional filesINTERLOK-3197
- Switch from com.sun.mail:javax.mail -> jakarta mailINTERLOK-3199
- interlok parent gradle adding non-built-in plugins to force owasp checksINTERLOK-3202
- JCSMP - Update to use the new onAdaptrisMessageINTERLOK-3204
- New transformation serviceINTERLOK-3206
- Document use of JGroups in clustering/failoverINTERLOK-3208
- REST api for clustering,INTERLOK-3210
- Clustering - Add the adapter IDINTERLOK-3211
- AWS Key management servicesINTERLOK-3214
- Add escaping services for single and double quoteINTERLOK-3223
- OAUTH - AccessToken should support refresh_tokenINTERLOK-3224
- interlok-aws-s3: List Operation only returns the first 1000 resultsINTERLOK-3225
- Shorten the OAUTH authentication chainINTERLOK-3232
- SMTP - ExpressionsINTERLOK-3234
- Add support for a SMB consumer/producerINTERLOK-3252
- workflow-rest-services should add a logging contextINTERLOK-3255
- Deprecate interlok-shell since it isn’t supported in Java 11INTERLOK-3267
- Javafx installer - Downloads pageINTERLOK-2899
- Remove package.html -> package-info.java for all existing projectsINTERLOK-3216
- Upgrade swiftMQ client to 12.xINTERLOK-3221
- Ui - Upgrade jersey to 2.30.1INTERLOK-3242
- Bump flyway-core from 6.0.4 to 6.3.3INTERLOK-3243
- Bump hibernate.version from 5.4.10.Final to 5.4.14.FinalINTERLOK-3244
- Bump hibernate-validator from 6.1.3.Final to 6.1.4.FinalINTERLOK-3249
- UI - Add new optional component icons for 3.10.1