Interlok Login Page
The UI is a secured web application and only allows authorised users to log in.
Note: After installing the Interlok container, users are able to use the default admin account:
Important: You should change the password on the default account as soon as it’s convenient to do so.
A non-authenticated user will always be redirected to the login page and will need to sign in with a valid username and password to access the UI. The user can log out of the UI at any time using the Logout menu item on the navigation bar
Changing the default Interlok Admin user credentials
Note: Changing the default admin user must be done on the first startup (when the ui creates its database)
The default admin user account/password can be changed from admin/admin to a user defined combination before the first start-up of Interlok by setting the command line properties and as such:
for example, to start interlok for the first time and change the admin username/password to superuser/MySecretPassword, then:
java -jar lib/interlok-boot.jar