Many messages passing through Interlok will consist of multiple elements. Often you will get a batch of messages (popular if you're a heavy EDI user); but each message needs to be handled individually.

Many messages passing through Interlok will consist of multiple elements. Often you will get a batch of messages (popular if you’re a heavy EDI user); but each message needs to be handled individually. This is where the basic-message-splitter-service and advanced-message-splitter-service are useful.

The key difference basic-message-splitter-service and advanced-message-splitter-service is that advanced-message-splitter-service allows you to apply an arbitrary set of services to each split message; whereas basic-message-splitter-service does not. This means that advanced-message-splitter-service is able to handle split messages inline; basic-message-splitter-service forces you to use an external messaging system like JMS to handle inter-workflow communications.

Basic Message Splitting

  <connection class="jms-connection">
 ... Configuration skipped
  <producer class="jms-topic-producer">
    <destination class="configured-produce-destination">
  <splitter class="line-count-splitter">
  • Uses a line-count-splitter to create a new message every 10 lines.
  • Each split message is published to the JMS topic split.message

Advanced Message Splitting

Rather than containing a producer and connection combination, the advanced-message-splitter-service wraps a Service to define the functionality required for each split message. Again, we are using standard components to compose the behaviour that is required.

To replicate the same behaviour as basic-message-splitter-service using advanced-message-splitter-service then we could have something like this:

 <splitter class="line-count-splitter">
 <service class="service-list">
    <connection class="jms-connection">
   ... Configuration skipped
    <producer class="jms-topic-producer">
      <destination class="configured-produce-destination">
  • Uses a line-count-splitter to create a new message every 10 lines.
  • Each split message is published to the JMS topic split.message

Splitter Implementations

The standard implementations of MessageSplitter are:

Splitter Type Description
line-count-splitter Creates a new message every n lines (configurable). This splitter is capable of handling arbitrarily large messages.
xpath-message-splitter Split a message by resolving an XPath which returns a repeating subset of the document.
xpath-document-copier Creates multiple copies of a message based on an XPath. The XPath evaluation should return an integer which dictates how many messages are created.
split-by-metadata Creates multiple copies of the message based on the number of items in a configurable metadata key.
mime-part-splitter Splits a message containing multiple MIME parts into their constituent parts.
simple-regexp-message-splitter Splits a message based on a regular expression match. It can optionally group records based on some common element.

Splitter Examples

It’s probably best to describe behaviour using an example. You’ll be able figure out the best splitter for your use-case; in the following sections the payload is shown first (where applicable) then an XML configuration snippet and finally the resulting behaviour.

Line count splitter

<splitter class="line-count-splitter">
  • line-count-splitter creates 6 messages.
    • Each message will have First,Second,Team as the first line.

XPath Message Splitter

<splitter class="xpath-message-splitter">

Xpath Document Copier

<splitter class="xpath-document-copier">

Split By Metadata

The message contains the following metadata:

<splitter class="split-by-metadata">
  • split-by-metadata creates 3 new messages, each of which will contain a recipient metadata key.
    • The first will contain recipient=Alice; the second recipient=Bob, and the last recipient=Carol

Mime Part Splitter

Content-Type: multipart/related;
MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Pack my box with a dozen liquor jugs.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

How quickly daft jumping zebras vex.

<splitter class="mime-part-splitter"/>

Regexp Message Splitter

This type of splitter can be as complicated or as simple as your regular expression skills; for our purposes let’s say that the document is:


Our configuration is:

<splitter class="simple-regexp-message-splitter">
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