As additional features are developed and released our public facing repository is updated; so you can always browse the repository directly to keep up to date.
Component List
GroupID | ArtifactID | Description | Versions | Notes |
com.adaptris | interlok-actional-interceptor | Instrumentation of the adapter with Actional Management Server; requires additional jars not automatically delivered | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-actional-stabiliser | Services that interact with the Actional Stabiliser Switch; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires interlok-licensing - This is compiled against Actional 8.2 and may not work with the latest versions of actional if running outside of a Sonic container (the jars are no longer available) | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-activemq | Embedding ActiveMQ as a management component | 3.6.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-amqp | Connect to a AMQP 0.9 / 1.0 provider | 3.8.0 | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-apache-http | HTTP Producer implementation using the Apache HTTP client as the transport | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-artemis | Embedding ArtemisMQ as a management component | 3.9.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-as2 | Provides AS2 messaging support; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-aws-common | Common components required for accessing AWS | 3.3.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-aws-kinesis | Publish to AWS kinesis (requires interlok-aws-common) | 3.9.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-aws-sqs | Integration with Amazon SQS (requires interlok-aws-common) | 3.3.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-aws-s3 | Integration with Amazon S3 (requires interlok-aws-common) | 3.3.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-aws-sns | Publish to an SNS topic (requires interlok-aws-common) | 3.7.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-aws-kms | Interacting with AWS KMS (requires interlok-aws-common) | 3.10.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-azure-cosmosdb | Interacting with Azure CosmosDB | 3.9.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-cassandra | Interacting with Cassandra datastores | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | Now retired; you should have no need for this. | ||
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | Now retired; you should have no need for this | ||
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | Now retired; you should have no need for this | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-client | Additional workflow support | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-client-jmx | interact with workflows via JMX | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | 3.7.3 - 3.8.4 only; merged into interlok-core from 3.9.0 onwards; removed as an artefact in 3.11.0 | available on github | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-core-apt | Custom annotations | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-core | The base Interlok framework | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-csv | CSV operations, transforms etc. | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-csv-json | Convert between CSV and JSON (requires both interlok-json and interlok-csv) | 3.6.6+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0; use interlok-kie | available on github | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-edi-legacy | Legacy support for EDI to XML transforms; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-edi-stream | Support for EDI to XML transforms; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-ehcache | Integration with ehcache as a cache provider | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-elastic-common | Transport agnostic support for interlok-elastic-rest - requires interlok-csv | 3.9.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-elastic-rest | Integration with ElasticSearch via their high level REST client (requires interlok-elastic-common) | 3.9.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.4.1 - 3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0; use interlok-elastic-rest | available on github | ||
com.adaptris | 3.5.1- 3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0; use interlok-elastic-rest | available on github | ||
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0; use interlok-elastic-rest | available on github | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-expressions | Perform inline mathematic expressions | 3.6.4+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-excel | Extract data from an Excel spreadsheet | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-exec | Management component executes arbitrary programs | 3.8.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-filesystem | Services for interacting with the filesystem | 3.6.6+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-failover | Simplified failover not dependent on AOP profiling | 3.4.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-flatfile | Flat file transformations; migrated from interlok-core into its own optional component | 3.9.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-flyway | JdbcPooledConnection wrapper that includes flyway support | 3.9.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-gcloud-pubsub | Connect to Google cloud pubsub (requires interlok-oauth-gcloud) | 3.6.3+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | |||
com.adaptris | interlok-hpcc | Connect to HPCC | 3.6.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | |||
com.adaptris | interlok-ironmq | Connect to IronMQ | 3.8.0+ | you could use interlok-aws-sqs in JMS mode. |
com.adaptris | interlok-jclouds-blobstore | Use Apache jclouds to access your cloud storage | 3.7.3+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-jms-oracleaq | Connect to Oracle via advanced queues; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-jms-sonicmq | Connect to SonicMQ JMS; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | Support for JMX via JMS or AMQP 1.0 | 3.8.0+; removed in 3.10.0 | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-jmx-activemq | ActiveMQ Provider for JMX via JMS or AMQP 1.0 | 3.10+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-jmx-amqp | AMQP Provider for JMX via JMS or AMQP 1.0 | 3.10+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-jmx-jms-common | Provider neutral runtime support for JMX via JMS or AMQP 1.0 | 3.10+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-jmx-solace | Solace Provider for JMX via JMS or AMQP 1.0 | 3.10+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-jmx-sonicmq | SonicMQ Provider for JMX via JMS or AMQP 1.0 | 3.10+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-jruby | Tighter coupling with jruby as an alternative to ScriptingService/EmbeddedScriptingService | 3.6.3+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-jsr107-cache | Cache implementation that wraps JSR107 cache implementations | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-jq | JSON transformations using JQ-like syntax | 3.7.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-json | Transform JSON data to and from XML | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-json-streaming | Transform JSON via a STaX like interface | 3.8.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-kafka | Connect to Apache Kafka | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-kie | Integration with the drools business rule management system from KIE group | 3.8.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-kubernetes-metrics | Reporting metrics to kubernetes | 3.9.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-kubernetes-prometheus | Reporting metrics to kubernetes | 3.9.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.6.4-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | available on github | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-licensing | Enforces a license on certain components | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-logging | Custom JMX Appender for Log4j2 | available on github | |
com.adaptris | interlok-mail | Support for Email servers; migrated from interlok-core into its own optional component | 3.9.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-mongodb | Support for MongoDB | 3.7.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-mqtt | Support for MQTT protocol | 3.5.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | Requires a 32bit JVM due to JNI. | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-msmq-javonet | Connect to MSMQ via .NET - Requires a license from javonet; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-nats | Support for | 3.9.3+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-new-relic | Supports New Relic Profiling; requires interlok-profiler | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-oauth-azure | Retrieve OAUTH access tokens from MS Azure | 3.6.5+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-oauth-gcloud | Retrieve OAUTH access tokens from Google Cloud | 3.6.5+ | available on github; package move from interlok-gcloud-pubsub |
com.adaptris | interlok-oauth-salesforce | Retrieve OAUTH access tokens from Salesforce | 3.6.5+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-oftp | Support for OFTP as a transport protocol; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-okhttp | HTTP Producer implementation using the OKHTTP client as the transport | 3.8.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-pdf | PDF Transformations | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-pgp | Encrypt/Decrypt/Sign/Verify using PGP | 3.9.2+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-profiler | Base package for supporting profiling (used by interlok-new-relic and interlok-profiler-prometheus) | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-profiler-prometheus | Interlok Prometheus profiling | 3.10.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0 only; removed in 3.8.1 | |||
com.adaptris | 3.8.0 to 3.8.2 only; removed in 3.8.3 | |||
com.adaptris | interlok-reliable-messaging | Support for ordered and reliable messaging; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0+ | Use their REST API instead. | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-sap | Integration with SAP via IDocs or RFC/BAPI; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2, deprecated since 3.9.0; removed in 3.11.0 | |||
com.adaptris | interlok-service-tester | Testing services as part of a CI pipeline | 3.5.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-shell | Commandline runtime UI based on CRaSH | 3.4.1+, deprecated since 3.11.0 | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-socket | Vanilla Socket support; migrated from interlok-core into its own component | 3.7.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-solace | Integration with Solace Systems as a JMS provider; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-sonicmf | Interlok runtime as part of a Sonic Container | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-sshtunnel | Management component that opens one or more SSH tunnels | 3.7.1+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0 only, removed in 3.8.1 | available on github | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-stax | Using the STaX API to read/write XML | 3.6.6+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-stubs | Test Scaffolding for developers | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-swift | Transform to and from the Swift message format; | 3.8.0+ | available on github. Does not require interlok-licensing from 3.9.2+ |
com.adaptris | interlok-swiftmq | Connect to a SwiftMQ instance or any AMQP1.0 broker; requires SwiftMQ Client Download; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-tibco | Connect to a Tibco instance; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-triggered | Channels that can be started via an external trigger; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-varsub | Variable substitution pre-processor | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-vcs-command-line | Interlok configuration hosted in a configurable VCS | 3.5.1+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-vcs-git | Interlok configuration hosted in git | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-vcs-subversion | Interlok configuration hosted in subversion | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-vertx | Clustered workflows and services | 3.5.0+ | No longer licensed since 3.8.0; available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-webservice-cxf | Accessing external webservices | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | |||
com.adaptris | 3.8.0-3.10.2; removed in 3.11.0 | |||
com.adaptris | interlok-webspheremq | Connection to a WebsphereMQ instance; requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-workflow-rest-services | Exposing Workflows as a RESTful service | 3.8.3+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | interlok-xinclude | XInclude pre-processor | 3.8.0+ | available on github |
com.adaptris | 3.4.0 - 3.8.4; removed in 3.9.0 | XA support was split into various sub modules; see below | ||
com.adaptris | interlok-xa-activemq | ActiveMQ XA JMS Vendor implementaiton; requires interlok-licensing | 3.9.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-xa-atomikos | XA support using Atomikos as the transaction manage; requires interlok-licensing | 3.9.0+ | Use this artefact in conjunction one of the other supported providers |
com.adaptris | interlok-xa-jms | XA/JMS support within the Adapter; requires interlok-licensing | 3.9.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-xa-solace | Solace XA JMS Vendor implementaiton; requires interlok-licensing | 3.9.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-xa-tibco | Tibco XA JMS Vendor implementaiton; requires interlok-licensing | 3.9.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-xa-wmq | WebsphereMQ XA JMS Vendor implementaiton; requires interlok-licensing | 3.9.0+ | |
com.adaptris | interlok-xml-security | XML security (JSR 106); requires interlok-licensing | 3.8.0+ |
How to install
For optional components that come with the installer; all you need to do is to copy the contents of optional/[required-component]
into ${adapter.home}/lib
and restart your adapter. This will automatically enable those components for runtime and use within the UI. There are some components that will require additional jars (e.g. SAP, WebsphereMQ, Tibco, Oracle) which you will need to source from your installation / 3rd party provider.
Manual install
For components that are not normally delivered with the installer; the recommended installation is via a dependency management system. This will automagically download everything that is required for the optional component in question.
You should always match the version number with your primary Interlok installation version; so if you wanted adp-simple-csv and your Interlok version is 3.0.2 then you would configure your ivy dependency :
<dependency org="com.adaptris" name="adp-simple-csv" rev="3.0.2-RELEASE"/>
or add something to your POM file
Interlok comes automatically with some javadocs for its installed components. The javadocs file can be found into ${adapter.home}/docs/javadocs
You can access the javadocs by opening a browser at http://localhost:8080/interlok/javadocs if the adapter is started.
You can also see the javadocs for a specific component when using the settings modal in the UI config page by hovering the (i) icon near the setting name.
If the tooltip has Help not found
it’s most likely that the setting does not have any javadoc or the javadocs jar has not been added to ${adapter.home}/docs/javadocs
Optional components javadocs can be opened in two ways:
- The javadocs are within a folder: Open your browser at http://localhost:8080/interlok/javadocs/optional/your-component/index.html e.g. http://localhost:8080/interlok/javadocs/optional/xml-security/index.html.
- The javadocs are in a jar file: Open your browser at http://localhost:8080/interlok/javadocs/your-component.jar/index.html e.g. http://localhost:8080/interlok/javadocs/optional/adp-swiftmq-3.0.3-RELEASE-javadoc.jar/index.html.
If you’ve added an optional components following the steps explained above you can copy the javadocs jar file into ${adapter.home}/docs/javadocs
to be able to access it via the browser. You will have to restart your adapter to be able to access the javadocs.
Optional Components prior to 3.7.3
In release 3.8.0; we renamed all the artefacts so that they consistently started with interlok-
; the list of associated artefacts that were renamed is listed below.
GroupID | ArtifactID | Description | Versions | Notes |
com.adaptris | adp-actional-interceptor | Instrumentation of the adapter with Actional Management Server; requires additional jars not automatically delivered | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-actional-interceptor instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-actional-stabiliser | Services that interact with the Actional Stabiliser Switch; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires adp-licensing - This is compiled against Actional 8.2 and may not work with the latest versions of actional if running outside of a Sonic container (the jars are no longer available) | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-actional-stabiliser instead |
com.adaptris | adp-amazon-sqs | Connect to Amazon SQS either using their JMS compatibility layer or directly | 3.0.3 to 3.2.1 | |
com.adaptris | adp-amqp | Connect to a AMQP 0.9 / 1.0 provider | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-amqp instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-apache-http | HTTP Producer implementation using the Apache HTTP client as the transport | 3.0.5 - 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-apache-http instead |
com.adaptris | adp-as2 | Provides AS2 messaging support; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-as2 instead |
com.adaptris | adp-cirrus-db-webapp | Provides access to the cirrus database for web applications | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-cirrus-db-webapp instead |
com.adaptris | adp-cirrus-db | Provides access to the cirrus database for adapter services | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-cirrus-db instead |
com.adaptris | adp-cirrus-services | Provides Cirrus routing services; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-cirrus-services instead |
com.adaptris | adp-core-apt | Custom annotations | until 3.7.3 | available on github; since 3.8.0 use interlok-core-apt instead |
com.adaptris | adp-core | The base Interlok framework | until 3.7.3 | available on github; since 3.8.0 use interlok-core instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-drools | Integration with JBoss Rules; | until 3.7.3 | does not require adp-licensing from 3.3.0; since 3.8.0 use interlok-drools instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-edi-legacy | Legacy v2.x style EDI Transforms; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-edi-legacy instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-edi-stream | Stream based EDI transformations; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-edi-stream instead |
com.adaptris | adp-ehcache | Integration with ehcache as a message store | until 3.7.3 | does not require adp-licensing since 3.3.0; since 3.8.0 use interlok-ehcache instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-failover | Running an adapter in failover mode; requires adp-profiler | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-profiler-failover instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-fop | PDF Transformations | until 3.7.3 | does not require adp-licensing from 3.3.0; since 3.8.0 use interlok-pdf instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-hornetq | Connect to HornetQ JMS (will become obsolete as HornetQ is merged into ActiveMQ) | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-hornetq instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-hpcc | Connect to HPCC | 3.3.0 - 3.6.0 only | |
com.adaptris | adp-interfax | Integration with the Java FAX API; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-interfax instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-ironmq | Connect to IronMQ | until 3.7.3 | does not require adp-licensing from 3.3.0; since 3.8.0 use interlok-ironmq instead or interlok-aws-sqs in JMS mode. |
com.adaptris | adp-jms-oracleaq | Connect to Oracle via advanced queues; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; ; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-jms-oracleaq instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-jms-sonicmq | Connect to SonicMQ JMS; ; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-jms-sonicmq instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-jmx-jms | Support for JMX via JMS or AMQP 1.0 | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-jmx-jms instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-json | Transform JSON data to and from XML | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-json instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-kafka | Connect to Apache Kafka | 3.2.1-3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-kafka instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-licensing | Enforces a license on certain components | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-licensing instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-msmq | Connect to MSMQ via ActiveX; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-msmq instead. Requires a 32bit JVM due to JNI. |
com.adaptris | adp-msmq-javonet | Connect to MSMQ via .NET - Requires a license from javonet; requires adp-licensing | 3.0.6-3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-msmq-javonet |
com.adaptris | adp-new-relic | Supports New Relic Profiling; requires adp-profiler | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-new-relic |
com.adaptris | adp-oftp | Support for OFTP as a transport protocol; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-oftp instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-poi | Extract data from an Excel spreadsheet | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-excel instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-profiler | Base package for supporting profiling (used by adp-new-relic and adp-stackify) | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-profiler instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-restful-services | Exposing Workflows as a RESTful service | 3.0.6 - 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-restful-services instead |
com.adaptris | adp-reliable-messaging | Support for ordered and reliable messaging; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-reliable-messaging instead |
com.adaptris | adp-salesforce | Integration with Salesforce via WebServices (generally use their REST interface via HTTP/HTTPS instead); requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-salesforce instead |
com.adaptris | adp-sap | Integration with SAP via IDocs or RFC/BAPI; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-sap instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-schema | RelaxNG schema validation for Interlok configuration files | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-schema instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-simple-csv | Transform a CSV file to XML | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-csv instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-solace | Integration with Solace Systems as a JMS provider; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-solace instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-sonicmf | Interlok runtime as part of a Sonic Container | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-sonicmf instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-stackify | Supports Stackify Profiling; requires adp-profiler | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-stackify instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-stubs | Test Scaffolding for developers | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-stubs instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-swift | Transform to and from the Swift message format; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-swift instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-swiftmq | Connect to a SwiftMQ instance or any AMQP1.0 broker; requires SwiftMQ Client Download; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-swiftmq instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-tibco | Connect to a Tibco instance; requires additional jars not automatically delivered; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use use interlok-tibco instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-triggered | Channels that can be started via an external trigger; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-triggered instead |
com.adaptris | adp-varsub | Variable substitution pre-processor | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-varsub instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-vcs-git | Interlok configuration hosted in git | 3.0.3 - 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-vcs-git instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-vcs-subversion | Interlok configuration hosted in subversion | 3.0.2 - 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-vcs-subversion instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-webservice-cxf | Accessing external webservices | 3.2.1-3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use [interlok-webservice][] instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-webservice-external | Accessing external webservices; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-webservice-external instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-webservice-internal | Exposing workflows as webservices | 3.0.0 - 3.0.5 | |
com.adaptris | adp-web-services | Exposing workflows as webservices; | 3.0.6 - 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-web-services instead. |
com.adaptris | adp-webspheremq | Connection to a WebsphereMQ instance; requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-webspheremq instead |
com.adaptris | adp-xinclude | XInclude pre-processor | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-xinclude instead |
com.adaptris | adp-xml-security | XML security (JSR 106); requires adp-licensing | until 3.7.3 | since 3.8.0 use interlok-xml-security instead. |