This page describes additional resources that might make for interesting reading.

The development and consultancy team blog about various interesting things that they’ve done with Interlok on

Docker images

All our releases are published as docker images on docker hub.

Since there are going to be changes around the official openjdk docker images with respect to java 8 support; we also pre-build some images based on alternative openjdk binaries provided by AWS and Azul Systems

Tag Description
x.y.z The formal x.y.z release as per the tag on github; based on the openjdk:8-jdk docker image
x.y.z-alpine The formal x.y.z release as per the tag on github; based on the openjdk:8-jdk-alpine docker image
x.y.z-zulu The formal x.y.z release as per the tag on github; based on the azul/zulu-openjdk:8 docker image
x.y.z-zulu-alpine The formal x.y.z release as per the tag on github; based on the azul/zulu-openjdk-alpine:8 docker image
x.y.z-corretto The formal x.y.z release as per the tag on github; based on the amazoncorretto:8 docker image
x.y.z-hpcc The formal x.y.z release as per the tag on github; installs and runs dfuplus from hpccsystems as well as interlok; based on the centos:7 image with
latest, latest-alpine, latest-zulu, latest-zulu-alpine, latest-corretto Built on schedule using the latest stable interlok tag, but pulling in any changes in the upstream docker image
snapshot The snapshot build; nightly snapshot jars overlaid on top of the adaptris/interlok:latest docker image
snapshot-alpine The snapshot build; nightly snapshot jars overlaid on top of the adaptris/interlok:latest:alpine docker image
snapshot-zulu The snapshot build; nightly snapshot jars overlaid on top of the adaptris/interlok:latest-zulu docker image
snapshot-zulu-alpine The snapshot build; nightly snapshot jars overlaid on top of the adaptris/interlok:latest-zulu-alpine docker image
snapshot-hpcc The snapshot build; overlaid on top of the adaptris/interlok:latest-hpcc docker image

Github projects

There are also some projects on github that showcase various configurations and shows what you can do with Interlok.

Github project Description
Interlok install builder Building a local installation of interlok with optional dependencies
Interlok hello world An example hello world listener that is also auto-deployed onto Heroku
Interlok soiltype demo A caching interlok instance around giving you a soiltype for a give lat/lon combination
Interlok soiltype demo auth The same as Interlok soiltype demo but with an HTTP authorization layer on top
Interlok API demo A simple example application that exposes a REST interface onto a contacts database
Interlok Salesforce demo Extension of interlok API demo that integrates with Salesforce to update contacts
Interlok Jira MS Teams Using Interlok as a webhook between Jira and Microsoft Teams (other chat applications are available) and is the configuration associated with
Interlok Load Balanced Running Interlok behind haproxy and is the configuration associated with
Interlok failover Docker based example of running Interlok in failover mode
Interlok custom components Example build files for when you need to write your own custom components
Interlok Twilio SMS Real world example of writing your own custom component