Since 3.6.3 the gui can be used with other database providers.

MySQL Configuration

By default the Interlok web application uses an Embedded database called Derby. However since version 3.6.2 the web application can be configured to use MySQL (from v5.6).

In order to use MySQL you will need to follow these steps:

  • Add the java MySQL connector jar to the adapter/lib directory. You can find the connector on MySQL website.
  • Create a database for the interlok web application (e.g. interlokuidb) and a user with access to it (e.g. user: interlokuidb, password: int3rL0cku1DB)
CREATE DATABASE interlokuidb;
CREATE USER 'interlokuidb'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'int3rL0cku1DB';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON interlokuidb.* TO 'interlokuidb'@'localhost';


CREATE DATABASE interlokuidb;
GRANT ALL ON interlokuidb.* TO 'interlokuidb'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'int3rL0cku1DB';
  • Add a properties file named in the adapter/ui-resources or in the adapter/lib directory with the following properties:
  • Start the adapter

PostgreSQL Configuration

Since version 3.6.3 the web application can be configured to use PostgreSQL (from v9.6).

In order to use PostgreSQL you will need to follow these steps:

  • Add the java PostgreSQL connector jar to the adapter/lib directory. You can find the connector on PostgreSQL website.
  • Create a database for the interlok web application (e.g. interlokuidb) and a user with access to it (e.g. user: interlokuidb, password: int3rL0cku1DB)
CREATE DATABASE interlokuidb;
CREATE USER interlokuidb WITH PASSWORD 'int3rL0cku1DB';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE interlokuidb TO interlokuidb
  • Add a properties file named in the adapter/ui-resources or in the adapter/lib directory with the following properties:
  • Start the adapter

MS SQLServer Configuration

Since version 3.9.0 the web application can be configured to use Microsoft’s SQLServer.

In order to use SQLServer you will need to follow these steps:

  • Add the Java SQLServer connector jar to the adapter/lib directory. You can find the connector on the Microsoft SQLServer website.
  • Create a database for the interlok web application (e.g. interlokuidb) and a user with access to it (e.g. user: interlokuidb, password: int3rL0cku1DB)
CREATE DATABASE interlokuidb;
CREATE LOGIN interlokuidb WITH PASSWORD = 'int3rL0cku1DB';
USE interlokuidb
CREATE USER interlokuidb FOR LOGIN interlokuidb;
GRANT CONTROL ON database::interlokuidb TO interlokuidb;

Or use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to create the user and grant all permissions, and change the connection settings to allow SQL Server authentication in addition to Windows Authentication.

  • Add a properties file named in the adapter/ui-resources or in the adapter/lib directory with the following properties:

System Properties

Since version 3.6.5 the database settings can be configured with command line system properties. When used they will override any properties set in properties files.

-DdataSource.provider=mysql -DdataSource.driverClass=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -DdataSource.jdbcURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/interlokuidb?&autoReconnect=true" -DdataSource.user=interlokuidb -DdataSource.password=int3rL0cku1DB

If the user and password are provided in the jdbc url they will override any other set user and password.

-DdataSource.provider=mysql -DdataSource.driverClass=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -DdataSource.jdbcURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/interlokuidb?user=interlokuidb&password=int3rL0cku1DB&autoReconnect=true"

Password Encryption

Since version 3.9.3 the database passwords can be encrypted using the standard Interlok password encryption.

Either in the properties file like:


Or using system properties like:

Tags: ui