The following pages and posts are tagged with
Title | Type | Excerpt |
Alerts | Page | The Alerts module allows admin users to create alerts which are then shown to all logged in users. (Since 3.4.1) |
Interlok Component Search | Page | The Interlok Component Search page allows you to search an interlok component database. (Since 3.8.2) |
Config Page Navigation Tree | Page | The Config Page Navigation Tree allows you to quickly navigation around components into your adapter configuration. |
Config Project | Page | The Config Project allows you to manage your adapter configuration. |
Config Page sidebar | Page | The Config Page sidebar allows you to drag and drop components into your adapter configuration. |
Configuration Screens | Page | The config page allows you to configure your Interlok container in an easy to use graphically way. Basically, it's a UI way of editing the adapter.xml that c... |
Dashboard | Page | The Dashboard Page is the first page a user is directed to after a successful login action. You can also navigate to this page using the Dashboard menu item ... |
Exporting Configuration | Page | The export function allows you to save your configuration file with place-holders which can then be swapped out with values configured in a separate property... |
Introduction to the UI | Page | ## Management Overview ## The UI Dashboard page facilitates Interlok management. Listing all the registered Interlok containers Adapters (auto-discovered and manually added), it gives real-time updates about their status. The dashboard page also allows you to control (start/stop) the Interlok containers Adapters, Channels and Workflows. Other useful features include the... |
Log Config | Page | The Log Config page allows you to modify an adapter log configuration. (Since 3.6.0) |
Log Monitor | Page | The Log Monitor page allows you to view real-time adapter logs. (Since 3.4.0) |
Logging In | Page | ## Interlok Login Page ## The UI is a secured web application and only allows authorised users to log in. ![Login Page](./images/ui-user-guide/login-page.png) {% include note.html content="After installing the Interlok container, users are able to use the default admin account:Username: `admin`Password: `admin`" %} {% include important.html content="You should change the password... |
Navigation | Page | Once logged in, a user will be redirected to the Dashboard page. The Navigation bar is available at the top of the page, and is part of the page header. Users can use the options on this bar to navigation to the various parts of the UI. Navigation bar (with... |
Optional Component Discovery | Page | The Optional Component Discovery page allows you to browse components that can be added to Interlok. (Since 3.5.1) |
Profiler Monitor in the UI | Page | Since 3.9.2 the gui has a page that allows you to monitor running adapters using the Interlok Profiler. |
Overview of the UI | Page | The Interlok GUI is an easy-to-use and comprehensive tool intended to facilitate Adapter management, monitoring and configuration. |
Salesforce Config | Page | The Salesforce Config page help you to generate some config xml to interact with Salesforce api. (Since 3.6.5) |
Saved Config Projects | Page | The saved config projects list allows you to easily save and re-open adapter configuration projects. |
Saved Configs | Page | The saved configs list allows you to easily save and re-open adapter configurations. |
Security | Page | The GUI web application allows multiple users to log-in using one of the existing roles: Role | Privileges | Meaning ------------ | ------------- | ------------ Admin | access to all pages (with operational access) | An admin has all the rights in the web application, he can start/stop Adapters, Channels... |
Service Tester | Page | The Service Tester page help you to generate a Service Tester configuration xml and to test some Interlok services. (Since 3.7.2) |
Generate Config from Swagger YAML | Page | Since 3.5.0 the gui config page allows you to open a simple Swagger configuration file (yaml or json). It will be converted to an Adapter xml configuration f... |
Switch Database Provider | Page | Since 3.6.3 the gui can be used with other database providers. |
System Preferences | Page | The GUI web application allows to configure some properties to change the ui resources file system path (Since 3.0.5) and new component Id generator: ![System Preferences](./images/ui-user-guide/system-preferences.png) You can access the System Preferences page by clicking on the down arrow next to your user name and on the System Preferences item.... |
Configuration Templates | Page | Templated configuration is a powerful way to standardise your configuration; it is designed for so that you can build up familiar patterns and use-cases for ... |
Dashboard | Page | The config page allows simple testing of services and service collections against a registered adapter. |
User Preferences | Page | The GUI web application allows to configure some user properties to change the way a user interact with the ui: ![User Preferences](./images/ui-user-guide/user-preferences-global-tab.png) You can access the User Preferences modal by clicking on the down arrow next to your user name and on the User Preferences item. The preferences are: ##... |
Version Control in the UI | Page | Since 3.0.3 the gui config page allows you to store adapter configuration into a remote version control system. Subversion and Git are supported. |
Videos about the UI | Page | These are the various videos we currently have available. For all these videos; click on the link and you'll be taken to the videos page. All these videos are available as a [playlist][AllPlaylist]. | Type | Version | Title | Description | |----|----|----|----| | Dashboard | 3.0 | [Dashboard... |
Widgets | Page | The Runtime Widgets page allows you to view real-time runtime information driven by various parts of your configured containers. |