3.5.1 Now Available
3.5.1 has made it to GA!
3.5.1 Has Made it to GA; get it as a standalone installer or docker image.
Version 3.5.1
Release Date : 2017-01-20
Key Highlights
- Optional Component Discovery
- Config pages have been given an overhaul to improve their usage on smaller screens
- Widgets track data for longer
- MQTT Support
- New package to support Elasticsearch v5.
- “command line” Version Control System
- UI API : Downtime still present even if channel started.INTERLOK-1194
- JMSConnectionErrorHandler - not sure it’s entirely threadsafe.INTERLOK-1206
- JmsProducer - logging an object referenceINTERLOK-1214
- NullPointerException in WebsphereMQ consumerINTERLOK-1254
- JsonArraySplitter doesn’t cope with arrays of stringsINTERLOK-1255
- JsonPathSplitter does not support arrays of stringsINTERLOK-1259
- JSON XMLSerializer logs as a garbage name.INTERLOK-1314
- Some errors can cause XAJmsConsumer to break and not recoverINTERLOK-1330
- NPE in XaJmsConsumerINTERLOK-1332
- Message loss when using XA connectionsINTERLOK-1341
- NPE in FileDataInputParameter for non-existent fileINTERLOK-1342
- JMSConnectionErrorHandler failure causes JMS EventHandler NPEINTERLOK-1344
- Release components have SNAPSHOT dependencies in pomINTERLOK-1345
- AdvancedJdbcPooledConnection getter and setter for connectionProperties have different nameINTERLOK-1346
- No Examples for extended JDBC Connections
- UI Config - Sidebar that allows WSDL to settings paramsINTERLOK-1137
- Core build - Generate sources jar.INTERLOK-1139
- UI Dashboard - improve Failed message modal so user can select multiple messages for retry functionINTERLOK-1178
- Message Metrics charts should store for ~1day worth of data.INTERLOK-1180
- UI Config - Improve Metadata settings sidebarINTERLOK-1181
- Create a UI Widget that supports FsConsumerMonitorINTERLOK-1190
- Add support for MQTTINTERLOK-1199
- UI - Problems with browser resource caching errors after updatesINTERLOK-1221
- Add support for SOCKS5/SOCKS4 Proxy to vcs-git+sshINTERLOK-1224
- AS400 - Update project to v3INTERLOK-1226
- FileTransferConnection.UserInfo protection.INTERLOK-1231
- Interlok Service Test - Increase Test CoverageINTERLOK-1239
- UI Config - Compress the Adapter and Channel area when user working on workflows and services etcINTERLOK-1241
- UI Config - Add a tag cloud search to the Add Component modalINTERLOK-1242
- UI - Update welcome splash to include ‘new features’ sectionINTERLOK-1245
- UI - Build Framework for optional component discoveryINTERLOK-1246
- UI - Config - Use the random scientist name generator by default for the component IdsINTERLOK-1249
- Upgrade elasticsearch to elasticsearch 5.0.0INTERLOK-1251
- AddMetadataService should have a “ovewrite flag”INTERLOK-1253
- XmlBasicValidator should contain a DocumentFactoryBuilderINTERLOK-1261
- Interlok Service Test - Xpath Equals AssertionINTERLOK-1269
- Added the service-unique-id (if available) to ObjectMetadata upon ExceptionINTERLOK-1271
- Solace - AdvancedImpl defaults direct transport.INTERLOK-1305
- Bind org.slf4j.Logger as a variable to ScriptingServiceImpINTERLOK-1306
- Create a MessageAggregator that creates a Zip of split payloadINTERLOK-1307
- FileBackMessageFactory should have the option to create the “tmpdir”INTERLOK-1309
- JettyConsumer should handle Expect: 102-Processing (RFC2518)INTERLOK-1313
- AS400 - Update the IBM library to the latest.INTERLOK-1321
- UI Config - Change the collapsed component tabs to look more hierarchically organisedINTERLOK-1324
- UI Config - Improve the use of space on the config pageINTERLOK-1325
- Create “command line” Version Control SystemINTERLOK-1326
- UI Config - ensure when adding components that the id/name is unique to that levelINTERLOK-1327
- UI Optional - hide certain jars in the dependency listINTERLOK-1328
- UI Optional - alter the license warningINTERLOK-1329
- Remove ‘optional dependencies’ from the optional components POM + IVY.xmlINTERLOK-1336
- UI Optional - alter the links on the details pageINTERLOK-1337
- UI Optional - add javadoc linksINTERLOK-1338
- Update VCS loading to use implementation name firstINTERLOK-1339
- UI Optional - add component details to the optional componentsINTERLOK-1348
- IronMQ Migrate to MQv3 from MQv2 APIINTERLOK-1359
- Update documentation for dashboard failed message modal