3.9.0 Now Available
3.9.0 has made it to GA!
3.9.0 Has Made it to GA; get it as a standalone installer or docker image.
Version 3.9.0
Release Date : 2019-06-25
Tip: Due to improvements in how we load classes within the UI; it is possible to get some WARN messages in the logfile from ‘org.reflections’ concerning missing classes (‘could not get type for name X from any class loader’); these warnings can be safely ignored, and you should put <Logger name=’org.reflections’ level=’ERROR’/> in your log4j2.xml configuration.
Tip: Javadocs are now distributed as jar files, since this mirrors the artefact production system. If you want to access the Javadocs directly, then either use the Interlok UI or point your browser to https://nexus.adaptris.net/nexus/content/sites/javadocs/com/adaptris/
Key Highlights
- UI Projects - We have improved the variable selector in the settings editor so it populates empty settings upon variable selection (making sure that element is outputted upon Apply Config)
- UI Projects - Our service testing features now support testing with variable sets
- UI Config Navigation Tree, there is now a new way to navigate the config page, which will make is easier to traverse large configuration
- The config-conditional components have been promoted into the core Interlok release
- New Switch Service which replaces some use cases for branching-service-collection
- Our JMS/XA components have been split into their own specific modules, i.e. XA-ActiveMQ, XA-Atomikos, XA-Solace, XA-Tibco, XA-WebsphereMQ & (a non- provider specific) XA-JMS
- The Email Integration components have been moved into their own optional component (interlok-mail)
- Also, the Flat file integration components have been moved into their own optional component (interlok-flatfile)
- There is now a docker image for Amazon Corretto + Azul
- Some additional notes:
- The new optional components, (interlok-mail) & (interlok-flatfile) are bundled into the 3.9.0 install. So this change has no immediate effect, once you install, they will still be in the ‘lib’ directory.
- Config Items that were marked for removal in 3.9.0 have been removed, so there will be config changes if moving from 3.8 to 3.9
- The UI Config Navigation Tree is a beta feature, to access it you have to switch on the ‘User Preferences’>’Enable technical preview features’
- SftpAuthenticationWrapper eats exceptions.INTERLOK-2753
- JettyRoutingService fails a capturing group with used without a metadata keyINTERLOK-2770
- UI: Should ‘ignore’ classes that fail to pass reflection construction rather than completely failingINTERLOK-2778
- UI Config - Import with variables modal window has faulty css/html code (page looks bad, but still works)INTERLOK-2779
- CSV ResultSet Translator doesn’t have @config tagsINTERLOK-2787
- UI : Review Optional component page and cross reference against POM.XMLINTERLOK-2796
- UI Config - Settings editor - deprecated setting not shown on form editor (even tho it has a value)INTERLOK-2797
- MessageLogger - AIOOB exception traceINTERLOK-2802
- UI settings editor does not support lists of enumsINTERLOK-2803
- Typo in Project Save Success messageINTERLOK-2813
- Editstream unable to configure gxml url with localhost style urlINTERLOK-2828
- Interlok cache jsr 107 configuration urlINTERLOK-2830
- UI: List of objects that contain services break the UIINTERLOK-2831
- UI : Bump Jackson to 2.9.9INTERLOK-2835
- knock on effect from a deprecated task changeINTERLOK-2836
- UI Config - Component sidebar - I encountered a js error when dnd a workflow from clipboard sidebar into configINTERLOK-2841
- UI Config - Layout issues when page sidebar is open
- AdaptrisComponent(s) that should implement lifecycle interfaces instead (not for patch release)INTERLOK-1636
- Actional-Interceptor Performance issues.INTERLOK-1970
- Create a docker image for WebsphereMQINTERLOK-2524
- Bump Saxon-HE from 9.7.0-20 to 9.9.0-2INTERLOK-2542
- UI Config - add a ‘navigation tree’ to the config page to help users quickly navigate large configINTERLOK-2635
- Upgrade our activemq to artemis?INTERLOK-2662
- Open project from local filesystem should support ~INTERLOK-2665
- Support variable set when testing service and service list in the UIINTERLOK-2673
- Review things that implement ComponentLifecycleExtension indirectlyINTERLOK-2684
- UI Config - Some @ComponentProfile attributes should be taken from parent classesINTERLOK-2708
- Look at Istio as a service mesh for KubernetesINTERLOK-2714
- Further source clean-up JMSINTERLOK-2715
- Define what HA means for InterlokINTERLOK-2720
- Show @Removal warnings in the settings editorINTERLOK-2733
- Move flat file transform capability into optional packageINTERLOK-2734
- SplitJoinService events for cirrus connectINTERLOK-2735
- Move email capability into its own optional packageINTERLOK-2754
- Branching service should be replaced by config-conditional switch caseINTERLOK-2759
- JdbcMapInsert should update an optional key with the number of messagesINTERLOK-2764
- Add circleci to all opensource projects with a buildjava11 workflowINTERLOK-2765
- Promote interlok-config-conditional into interlok-coreINTERLOK-2767
- Mark elasticsearch2.x as deprecatedINTERLOK-2769
- Migrate JMS/XA specific implementations to their own modules.INTERLOK-2771
- Remove deprecated configuration marked with @Removal(version=’3.9.0’)INTERLOK-2773
- Mark interlok-schemas as deprecatedINTERLOK-2776
- Bump version number to 3.9-SNAPSHOTINTERLOK-2777
- Add JsonPatch (RFC6902) support to interlok-jsonINTERLOK-2785
- PDF to HTML ServiceINTERLOK-2786
- Create a docker image for SolaceMQINTERLOK-2790
- SymmetricKeyCryptoService should use a DataInputParameter for the thing to encrypt or decryptINTERLOK-2792
- PDF to Text serviceINTERLOK-2795
- Formalize the location where a message as consumed as metadata.INTERLOK-2811
- Test our JDBC Services against H2INTERLOK-2817
- Build amazon corretto + Azul docker image + Interlok for 3.9.0INTERLOK-2825
- Upgrade HPCC clienttools to latest for adaptris/interlok:3.9.0-hpcc docker imageINTERLOK-2826
- Single interface implementations for MessageWrapperINTERLOK-2833
- MimeAggregator should allow arbitrary headers in each nested partINTERLOK-2834
- MultipartMessageService service that builds a mime messageINTERLOK-2664
- AS400Connection ComponentProfile has tag=’connection’ whereas all other connections have tag=’connections’INTERLOK-2812
- Migrate to $nexusBaseUrl/content/groups/interlokINTERLOK-2840
- oauth-rfc5849 : not fully compliantINTERLOK-2843
- Update the gradle build info for optional components (to give them better labels etc)