3.9.0 has made it to GA!

3.9.0 Has Made it to GA; get it as a standalone installer or docker image.

Version 3.9.0

Release Date : 2019-06-25

Key Highlights

  • UI Projects - We have improved the variable selector in the settings editor so it populates empty settings upon variable selection (making sure that element is outputted upon Apply Config)
  • UI Projects - Our service testing features now support testing with variable sets
  • UI Config Navigation Tree, there is now a new way to navigate the config page, which will make is easier to traverse large configuration
  • The config-conditional components have been promoted into the core Interlok release
  • New Switch Service which replaces some use cases for branching-service-collection
  • Our JMS/XA components have been split into their own specific modules, i.e. XA-ActiveMQ, XA-Atomikos, XA-Solace, XA-Tibco, XA-WebsphereMQ & (a non- provider specific) XA-JMS
  • The Email Integration components have been moved into their own optional component (interlok-mail)
  • Also, the Flat file integration components have been moved into their own optional component (interlok-flatfile)
  • There is now a docker image for Amazon Corretto + Azul
  • Some additional notes:
    • The new optional components, (interlok-mail) & (interlok-flatfile) are bundled into the 3.9.0 install. So this change has no immediate effect, once you install, they will still be in the ‘lib’ directory.
    • Config Items that were marked for removal in 3.9.0 have been removed, so there will be config changes if moving from 3.8 to 3.9
    • The UI Config Navigation Tree is a beta feature, to access it you have to switch on the ‘User Preferences’>’Enable technical preview features’


  • INTERLOK-2743 - SftpAuthenticationWrapper eats exceptions.
  • INTERLOK-2753 - JettyRoutingService fails a capturing group with used without a metadata key
  • INTERLOK-2770 - UI: Should ‘ignore’ classes that fail to pass reflection construction rather than completely failing
  • INTERLOK-2778 - UI Config - Import with variables modal window has faulty css/html code (page looks bad, but still works)
  • INTERLOK-2779 - CSV ResultSet Translator doesn’t have @config tags
  • INTERLOK-2787 - UI : Review Optional component page and cross reference against POM.XML
  • INTERLOK-2796 - UI Config - Settings editor - deprecated setting not shown on form editor (even tho it has a value)
  • INTERLOK-2797 - MessageLogger - AIOOB exception trace
  • INTERLOK-2802 - UI settings editor does not support lists of enums
  • INTERLOK-2803 - Typo in Project Save Success message
  • INTERLOK-2813 - Editstream unable to configure gxml url with localhost style url
  • INTERLOK-2828 - Interlok cache jsr 107 configuration url
  • INTERLOK-2830 - UI: List of objects that contain services break the UI
  • INTERLOK-2831 - UI : Bump Jackson to 2.9.9
  • INTERLOK-2835 - knock on effect from a deprecated task change
  • INTERLOK-2836 - UI Config - Component sidebar - I encountered a js error when dnd a workflow from clipboard sidebar into config
  • INTERLOK-2841 - UI Config - Layout issues when page sidebar is open


  • INTERLOK-1388 - AdaptrisComponent(s) that should implement lifecycle interfaces instead (not for patch release)
  • INTERLOK-1636 - Actional-Interceptor Performance issues.
  • INTERLOK-1970 - Create a docker image for WebsphereMQ
  • INTERLOK-2524 - Bump Saxon-HE from 9.7.0-20 to 9.9.0-2
  • INTERLOK-2542 - UI Config - add a ‘navigation tree’ to the config page to help users quickly navigate large config
  • INTERLOK-2635 - Upgrade our activemq to artemis?
  • INTERLOK-2662 - Open project from local filesystem should support ~
  • INTERLOK-2665 - Support variable set when testing service and service list in the UI
  • INTERLOK-2673 - Review things that implement ComponentLifecycleExtension indirectly
  • INTERLOK-2684 - UI Config - Some @ComponentProfile attributes should be taken from parent classes
  • INTERLOK-2708 - Look at Istio as a service mesh for Kubernetes
  • INTERLOK-2714 - Further source clean-up JMS
  • INTERLOK-2715 - Define what HA means for Interlok
  • INTERLOK-2720 - Show @Removal warnings in the settings editor
  • INTERLOK-2733 - Move flat file transform capability into optional package
  • INTERLOK-2734 - SplitJoinService events for cirrus connect
  • INTERLOK-2735 - Move email capability into its own optional package
  • INTERLOK-2754 - Branching service should be replaced by config-conditional switch case
  • INTERLOK-2759 - JdbcMapInsert should update an optional key with the number of messages
  • INTERLOK-2764 - Add circleci to all opensource projects with a buildjava11 workflow
  • INTERLOK-2765 - Promote interlok-config-conditional into interlok-core
  • INTERLOK-2767 - Mark elasticsearch2.x as deprecated
  • INTERLOK-2769 - Migrate JMS/XA specific implementations to their own modules.
  • INTERLOK-2771 - Remove deprecated configuration marked with @Removal(version=’3.9.0’)
  • INTERLOK-2773 - Mark interlok-schemas as deprecated
  • INTERLOK-2776 - Bump version number to 3.9-SNAPSHOT
  • INTERLOK-2777 - Add JsonPatch (RFC6902) support to interlok-json
  • INTERLOK-2785 - PDF to HTML Service
  • INTERLOK-2786 - Create a docker image for SolaceMQ
  • INTERLOK-2790 - SymmetricKeyCryptoService should use a DataInputParameter for the thing to encrypt or decrypt
  • INTERLOK-2792 - PDF to Text service
  • INTERLOK-2795 - Formalize the location where a message as consumed as metadata.
  • INTERLOK-2811 - Test our JDBC Services against H2
  • INTERLOK-2817 - Build amazon corretto + Azul docker image + Interlok for 3.9.0
  • INTERLOK-2825 - Upgrade HPCC clienttools to latest for adaptris/interlok:3.9.0-hpcc docker image
  • INTERLOK-2826 - Single interface implementations for MessageWrapper
  • INTERLOK-2833 - MimeAggregator should allow arbitrary headers in each nested part
  • INTERLOK-2834 - MultipartMessageService service that builds a mime message
  • INTERLOK-2664 - AS400Connection ComponentProfile has tag=’connection’ whereas all other connections have tag=’connections’
  • INTERLOK-2812 - Migrate to $nexusBaseUrl/content/groups/interlok
  • INTERLOK-2840 - oauth-rfc5849 : not fully compliant
  • INTERLOK-2843 - Update the gradle build info for optional components (to give them better labels etc)