3.9.2 Now Available
3.9.2 has made it to GA!
3.9.2 Has Made it to GA; get it as a standalone installer or docker image.
Version 3.9.2
Release Date : 2019-10-22
Key Highlights
- The UI Config page has had many improvements including:
- The validation process now produces warnings for deprecated usage.
- The settings editor now has a 3 way toggle for viewing different levels of settings (normal, advanced and rare settings) making is easier to configure components.
- The service testing features now support testing with ‘MIME’ encoded messages.
- The UI Component Search has been improved to return more accurate results.
- A new exciting UI Page, the Interlok Profiler is now available (you need to enable technical preview features), allowing you analysis runtime performance metrics.
- New services to provide PGP encryption, decryption, signing, and verification (interlok-pgp).
- FtpConsumers now support a range of FileFilters, including filters that aren’t just ‘name based’.
- Interlok now supports JMS 2.0 asynchronous producers with XA transactions.
- New simplified cache services that are simpler to configure and avoid XML bloat.
- HikariCP is now supported as an implementation for Pooled JDBC Connections.
- New alterative authentication schemes for AWS.
- In the interlok-aws-s3 component, the S3 List Operation now supports styles.
- UI: ‘On the RBI network detector’ is unreliable since it only checks for HTTP_OKINTERLOK-2804
- UI Config - Optional lists that default to null ‘are not handled gracefully’INTERLOK-2816
- UI Config - Not all impl classes are loaded for selection when using the config settings editor.INTERLOK-2894
- UI config editor does not support multiple genericsINTERLOK-2910
- Apache Artemis optional component externalUrl point to activemq root urlINTERLOK-2922
- edi-xml-stream-service fails to interpret > entity within <Loop>/<Count> elements of EDI Specbuilder edi definition filesINTERLOK-2923
- Upgrade to commons-beanutils 1.9.4 in interlok-uiINTERLOK-2926
- SymmetricKeyCryptoService doesn’t explicitly enable bouncy castle algorithmsINTERLOK-2944
- Config Page Settings editor - Token Input Selector faults when user selects an entry on the list using the enter keyINTERLOK-2949
- UI - Investigate why our welcome.png is showing when we put a html error response into our error wellINTERLOK-2951
- CacheEntryEvaluators do not display in nightly snapshotINTERLOK-2961
- Get OAUTH Tokens does not log the raw response.INTERLOK-2970
- UI Config - The Database Preview sidebar doesn’t work with MySQL 8+INTERLOK-2976
- UI Suggested component failure to register clickINTERLOK-2982
- JdbcDataQuery + JdbcDataCapture can ‘leak’ PreparedStatementsINTERLOK-2983
- StoredProcedureProducer can leak statements in some configurations.INTERLOK-2989
- UI Config - When deleting a shared component connection the warning prompt mentions more reference than there is.INTERLOK-2991
- UI Dashboard - Show Add Adapter Advanced Options doesn’t work well.INTERLOK-2999
- FreeFormExpressionService has bad javadocs
- UI Config - Add a ‘command parser’ when configuring the system-command-serviceINTERLOK-1510
- Add either a pie(donut) or table that shows the daily cumulative totalINTERLOK-1527
- Add support for ‘MIME’ encoded messages when uploading a doc during testingINTERLOK-1904
- Solace - catching/handling queue shutdownsINTERLOK-2142
- UI Profiler v1 - Implement the UI agent that’ll be used to gather the profiling dataINTERLOK-2143
- UI Profiler v1 - Implement the UI backend that’ll work with the ui agent to format data for the front-endINTERLOK-2144
- UI Profiler v1 - Implement the UI front-end that’ll display profiling data to the userINTERLOK-2178
- UI - Upgrade Flyway to the latest stableINTERLOK-2450
- Profiler compile for 1.8INTERLOK-2462
- Bump hibernate-validator from 4.3.2.Final to 6.0.13.FinalINTERLOK-2663
- Make ‘advanced-config’ a 3 way toggle.INTERLOK-2710
- UI Component Search - improve the es index weights, etcINTERLOK-2805
- UI Config - Add deprecated warnings to the config validation panelINTERLOK-2842
- XA - Async producersINTERLOK-2869
- Opensource projects should have both .dependabot & .lgtm.ymlINTERLOK-2890
- interlok-aws-s3: Add styles to the S3 List OperationINTERLOK-2907
- Merge actional-stabiliser + actional-interceptor into a single gradle multimoduleINTERLOK-2908
- Support different authentication schemes for AWS; not just static key/secretINTERLOK-2911
- Add additional AWSCredentialProviderBuilder impls.INTERLOK-2916
- Make FtpConsumers support FileFilters that aren’t just ‘name based’INTERLOK-2917
- Bump jersey from 2.3.1 to the latest 2.28 or even 2.29 as part of eclipse-ee4jINTERLOK-2924
- Add option to metadata-to-json to add a trailing newline for interoperabilityINTERLOK-2925
- UI - integrate the Interlok blog into the uiINTERLOK-2929
- Support HikariCP as a pool impl for Pooled JDBC ConnectionsINTERLOK-2936
- Check over Optional Components doc pageINTERLOK-2939
- Default distribution should include interlok-varsub as part of lib/INTERLOK-2943
- SimpleFactoryConfiguration rewrite to use SimpleBeanUtilsINTERLOK-2945
- INTERLOK-XA coverage is low - 50-60%INTERLOK-2965
- Add simplified cache services to avoid XML bloatINTERLOK-2988
- JsonSchemaService should support more options when loading the schemaINTERLOK-2993
- UI Config -The config last modified should not be saved into the config-project.jsonINTERLOK-3005
- Remove System.err.println from Oauth Generic AuthBuilderINTERLOK-3007
- Add an Azure cosmos db authentation builderINTERLOK-2849
- UI Config - Settings Editor - ‘Change Type’ feature should copy common settings when switching typeINTERLOK-2927
- Warning from jersey HttpUrlConnectorINTERLOK-2937
- Update documentation with new componentsINTERLOK-2940
- UI Optional Component - Deprecated warnings on the ‘component cards’ isn’t sufficient enough to properly warn the userINTERLOK-2969
- UI - Upgrade Jackson to 2.10.0INTERLOK-2987
- UI Config - When copy and paste a component using the buttons we don’t need the -Copy suffix anymore.INTERLOK-3002
- Add channel, workflow, messageid and other metadata to MDC via LoggingContextInterceptor