3.9.3 Now Available
3.9.3 has made it to GA!
3.9.3 Has Made it to GA; get it as a standalone installer or docker image.
Version 3.9.3
Release Date : 2020-01-06
Key Highlights
- You can now add comments to your Interlok Channels, Workflows and Service Collections
- The UI Config Page Navigation Tree has been improved to display more collection components and now has a ‘focus’ mode.
- A new MultiPayloadMessageFactory that enables AdaptrisMessage to support multiple payloads
- Additional Services that allow you to Add payloads to MultiPayloadMessage and switch the active payload for other services to work on
- The UI Config page has improved the opening of shared service collections from the shared components within config
- The UI Profiler has been updated to allow multiple adapter/channel panels at the same time.
- Interlok now supports NATS messaging (optional component interlok-nats)
- Added support for ‘JSON Lines’ in json/csv-json/elastic optional components
- UI - Apply config with a shared tx manager - errorsINTERLOK-2829
- StandaloneRequestor NPEINTERLOK-2874
- Able to apply FS consumer without configured destinationINTERLOK-2904
- Upgrade to mockito-core doesn’t work with interlok-coreINTERLOK-3025
- Invalid CompositeFileFilter silently fails causing unexpected behaviourINTERLOK-3027
- Javadocs for setters/getters missing in projects using lombok when creating UML javadocsINTERLOK-3030
- Jetty Route Spec complains about Metadata Keys when config is currentINTERLOK-3031
- UI: %message{..} is broken when defining properties locationINTERLOK-3033
- Interlok Docs - The search on the docs site returns broken links for version searchesINTERLOK-3040
- AzureDB header generation uses ZoneID.systemDefault(); it should be “GMT”INTERLOK-3050
- interlok-azure-cosmosdb : Requires two digit date formatINTERLOK-3055
- UI Config - Test service features don’t handle multiple variable subsINTERLOK-3057
- UI Config - ‘Validate Variable Sets’ feature doesn’t validate until you have selected a variable setINTERLOK-3071
- Service-Tester : save local project does not recognise “~”INTERLOK-3089
- UI - Apache Shiro Cryptographic IssuesINTERLOK-3095
- Rest component can block other management components.INTERLOK-3109
- Interlok - Missing dependency on javax.security.auth.message in runtime-libraries.zipINTERLOK-3112
- interlok-cassandra doesn’t have a name in its pom fileINTERLOK-3113
- Xml-transform-service caching parametersINTERLOK-3115
- UI Profiler - Js error that affect branching some times.INTERLOK-3117
- UI Widgets - Issue when adding a second aggregated adapter widgets
- UI doesn’t start with java11INTERLOK-2205
- Interlok Multi Payload MessageINTERLOK-2460
- Ability to Test a Workflow from a Specific Service and Continue Forward from that ServiceINTERLOK-2481
- UI Version Upgrade - update CodeMirror to latest versionINTERLOK-2551
- UI Version Upgrade - update promises js to latest versionINTERLOK-2553
- UI Version Upgrade - update js-xss js to latest versionINTERLOK-2838
- StandaloneProducer doesn’t display recommended connections from underlying Producer first.INTERLOK-2860
- UI Config Page - Navigation Tree - support any component that has a service collection within itINTERLOK-2892
- Support “JSON LInes” in json/csv-json/elastic optional componentsINTERLOK-2934
- Add Solace RTO low latency capabilityINTERLOK-2936
- Update optional components documentation pageINTERLOK-2947
- Move the interlok-holodeck confluence docs to githubINTERLOK-2948
- UI - New System Preference - Allow/disallow UI to use external resourcesINTERLOK-2964
- UI Swagger - Update the swagger codegen channel generator to not use deprecated fieldsINTERLOK-2973
- UI Profiler v2 - Allows multiple adapter/channel visualization at the same time.INTERLOK-2977
- UI Config Page - Improve the ‘Add Component Search’ performanceINTERLOK-2990
- Annotating the configurationINTERLOK-2994
- UI DB - Add password obfuscation to UI Database ProviderINTERLOK-2995
- UI Config - One through click to a shared-serviceINTERLOK-2997
- UI: Drop down for classnames that are input as a stringINTERLOK-3003
- Add “simple primitive” support when creating FileFiltersINTERLOK-3008
- Add “branch” identifier to version reportINTERLOK-3009
- HTTPRequestService impls should have an InputFieldHint for method.INTERLOK-3012
- interlok-flyway: Expose the table option on DefaultFlywayMigratorINTERLOK-3013
- UI Profiler v2 - The chart should support the selected metrics unitINTERLOK-3016
- UI Profiler v2 - Change the menu icon and the page nameINTERLOK-3028
- NATS messaging supportINTERLOK-3034
- Sources jars for opensource projects using “lombok” should contain delomboked source files.INTERLOK-3041
- UI Swagger - Improve the swagger config gen to support nested path and params not being at the end of the pathINTERLOK-3051
- Multi-payload MIME serialization/encodingINTERLOK-3058
- Service-Tester should have “Assert Metadata Key does not exist”INTERLOK-3059
- AWSKeysAuthentication should protect against nullsINTERLOK-3074
- LicenseChecker should probably log a warning if license expiry is “close”INTERLOK-3080
- AddLoggingContext and RemoveLoggingContext feature parity with LoggingContextWorkflowInterceptorINTERLOK-3093
- Add github actions to open source projectsINTERLOK-2637
- UI Config Page - Enable drag and drop in the Interceptors area (so we can reorder the interceptor components)INTERLOK-2959
- UI Projects - Cannot use projects x-includes>unique-id-in-filename when you only have one workflowINTERLOK-3000
- AddFormattedMetadataService needs javadoc improvementsINTERLOK-3038
- Upgrade gradle builds to 5.6.3INTERLOK-3053
- UI - Improve the logging for failures in the settings factoriesINTERLOK-3097
- UI - Bump jetty to 9.4.24.v20191120INTERLOK-3103
- Add InputFieldHint for fileFilterImp in other consumer classesINTERLOK-3107
- UI - Upgrade slf4j-ext to 1.7.29INTERLOK-3108
- UI Version Upgrade - update jQuery to 3.4.1INTERLOK-2953
- Update the javadocs links on the docs site to use 3.9 snapshot javadocs.