The following pages and posts are tagged with

Compiling against Interlok Page This is here to help you get started writing your own services and what not.
Marshalling Configuration and Architecture Page Marshalling refers to the process by which Interlok will read the main XML configuration file and create a running instance of Interlok from that configuration file. This document describes the Interlok Marshalling configuration and Architecture. The control of marshalling is configured in a file called: This contains a number...
Writing your own Connection Page Within the Interlok framework, an AdaptrisConnection object tends to wrap any behaviour that is required to setup a persistent connection to an application; such as making a connection over a socket. There are other reasons that might cause you to think about writing an AdaptrisConnection; you may want...
Writing your own Consumer Page Within the Interlok framework, an AdaptrisMessageConsumer is responsible for receiving messages from the target system. You need to decide on how the consumer will be triggered. If the consumer should be timer based (e.g. poll a directory every x seconds), then you can extend AdaptrisPollingConsumer which allows for...
Writing your own Producer Page Within the Interlok framework, an AdaptrisMessageProducer is responsible for sending the message to the target system. If the target system supports request-reply then extend RequestReplyProducerImp otherwise extend ProduceOnlyProducerImp You can get access to the configured AdaptrisConnection instance by using the retrieveConnection method. Call...
Interlok Profiler for developers Page Guide for developers on Interlok profile events
Schema Generator Page The adapter config file is an XML file that is a marshalled representation of the Adapter configuration class hierarchy. At this time the data binder that reads and generates the file is XStream. The adapter config file is often edited by hand and so is prone to errors. A schema...
Writing your own Service Page The Service interface allows arbitrary functionality to be applied to AdaptrisMessage objects in a Workflow. It inherits some methods from other interfaces, namely AdaptrisComponent and StateManagedComponent, but there are default implementations provided for those. There is only one key method in addition to AdaptrisComponent:...
Interlok UI API Swagger Documentation Page
Interlok UI API Swagger Documentation Page
Interlok UI API Page The UI has its own API. This can be used to do some simple operations, if you want to create your own simple dashboard, instead of using our awesome spectacu...
Interlok UI Database Page The UI has its own Database.